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John Gower the Alchemist
"Our display included the first edition of the Theatrum chemicum Britannicum (AlcC52AS.EL), a compendium of alchemical literature. Editor Elias Ashmole envisions John Gower as a skilled user of the craft. In fact, he claims that Gower was Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Master in this Science,” training him in alchemy during their friendship. Excerpted in this book is a passage from Gower’s Confessio amantis, which Ashmole claims to prove Gower “fully understood the Secret, for he gives you a faithfull account… and affirmes the Art to be true.”


John Gower shooting the world, a sphere of earth, air, and water (from a manuscript of his works ca. 1400). The text reads:

Ad mundum mitto mea iacula dumque sagitto
At ubi iustus erit nulla sagitta ferit
Sed male viventes hos vulnero transgredientes
Conscius ergo sibi se speculetur ibi

Messages In This Thread
John Gower the Alchemist - by Paul Ferguson - 08-10-2023, 10:59 PM
RE: John Gower the Alchemist - by Paul Ferguson - 08-19-2023, 06:12 PM

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