09-05-2023, 09:34 PM
Sally Metzler
Field Museum of Natural History
"Individuals fortunate enough to receive a coveted invitation to visit Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II’s Chamber of Wonders in the Prague Castle would witness, among the many treasures, paintings focusing on couples scantily dressed and engaged in erotic, if not titillating escapades. Just a glance at the paintings in his collection, a bevy of sensuous nudes, might lead to the conclusion that the Emperor had a penchant for collecting bawdy and amorous art with little more substance than erotic stimulation. After all, Rudolf was a bachelor, and further, equated with being a bit peculiar to the point of mildly insane. However, the art created by his court artists offers far more than sensual delight. They represent the pervading hermetic intellectualism embraced by Rudolf’s court entourage. Moreover, although these works are indeed erotic, they are allegories of the alchemic ideal, the pursuit of the philosopher’s stone or true spiritual wisdom."
Sally Metzler
Field Museum of Natural History
"Individuals fortunate enough to receive a coveted invitation to visit Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II’s Chamber of Wonders in the Prague Castle would witness, among the many treasures, paintings focusing on couples scantily dressed and engaged in erotic, if not titillating escapades. Just a glance at the paintings in his collection, a bevy of sensuous nudes, might lead to the conclusion that the Emperor had a penchant for collecting bawdy and amorous art with little more substance than erotic stimulation. After all, Rudolf was a bachelor, and further, equated with being a bit peculiar to the point of mildly insane. However, the art created by his court artists offers far more than sensual delight. They represent the pervading hermetic intellectualism embraced by Rudolf’s court entourage. Moreover, although these works are indeed erotic, they are allegories of the alchemic ideal, the pursuit of the philosopher’s stone or true spiritual wisdom."