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The Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in the Twelfth Centur
The Coherence of the Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in the Twelfth Century

Charles Burnett, Warburg Institute

"This article reassesses the reasons why Toledo achieved prominence as a center for Arabic-Latin translation in the second half of the twelfth century, and suggests that the two principal translators, Gerard of Cremona and Dominicus Gundissalinus, concentrated on different areas of knowledge. Moreover, Gerard appears to have followed a clear program in the works that he translated. This is revealed especially in the Vita and the “commemoration of his books” drawn up by his students after his death. A new edition of the Vita, Commemoratio librorum and Eulogium, based on all the manuscripts, concludes the article."

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The Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in the Twelfth Centur - by Paul Ferguson - 09-13-2023, 08:36 AM

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