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Music: Ferneyhough's Transit
"The overall form of Transit is dictated by the texts and their order of presentation. Whilst each of them retains a large amount of internal self-sufficiency (each representing one type of transformation) taken together they collectively represent an open-ended progression from material transformation (represented by texts concerning transmutation by Paracelsus) via cosmological (Heraclitus on the perpetual dissolution and reconstitution of the universe through fire) to universal/mystical transformation (the teachings on the nature of eternity contained in the Corpus Hermeticum attributed to Hermes Trismegistus)." - Ferneyhough, source unknown.

"Transit was composed between 1972 and 1975 and reflects in its lengthy period of gestation the slow development and musical realisation of an idea which I had carried round with me for several years - that of trying to redefine common ground linking the arts with other fields in a manner rising above the tastefully descriptive..... The starting point for my work on this composition was an anonymous woodcut depicting a renaissance magus in the act of penetrating the last sphere separating the mortal from the divine, the contingent from the absolute." - Ferneyhough.
(Woodcut shown below).

Available here along with his other works:


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