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A correspondent has asked me:

What are the formulas for the Astral, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral stones? What is the formula for Magic fire?

I have sent him some source books. Can anyone provide concise answers? He's looking for chemical recipes, not definitions.

I have been asked the same questions recently.
I don't think that there are such precise or comprehensive formulas in alchemy.
There are many books on Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral stones. I have one on my website.
Samuel Norton's Key of alchemy

Looking for something precise and fixed, such as this, in alchemical literature, I believe is a hopeless task.
One really just has to go with the material and enjoy it for what it is.
Adam McLean
That was my correspondent asking you. I agree with your response.

I have sent him, courtesy of Google Drive:

1. Transmuting Sericon: Alchemy as “Practical Exegesis” in Early Modern England
Author(s): Jennifer M. Rampling
Source: Osiris, Vol. 29, No. 1, Chemical Knowledge in the Early Modern World (January
2014), pp. 19-34
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society
Stable URL:
This is about Ripley and contains much relevant material.

2. The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy, see pp. 81ff

3. Alchemists and Gold by Jacques Sadoul, which cites Fulcanelli; see pp 239 onwards for the Astral Stone.

Also, on Scribd:, for the Vegetable Stone.

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