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Leibniz and Alchemy
By George MacDonald Ross 
Studia Leibnitiana, Sonderheft 7, Magia naturalis und die Entstehung der modernen Naturwissenschaften, 1975, pp.166–177

"As I have shown in my article “Leibniz and the Nuremberg Alchemical Society”, which appeared in last year’s Studia Leibnitiana it is beyond all reasonable doubt that Leibniz was employed by an alchemical society during the winter of 1666-67."

See this article also:

"Leibniz played on alchemical dreams of transmutation to sell his own venture. Like the alchemists before him, he promised vast wealth from the fruits of secret knowledge. If the forces of nature could be harnessed to work the mines, there would be no need for transmutation; the silver was there already, in the bowels of the Harz. The issue was simply how to recover it."

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