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Manuscript Pavia, Aldini 75
Pavia Ms 75  has an unusual pen drawing with three shields.
That on the left has a black eagle spreading its wings above the Sun, Moon and star set above a bank of clouds. The central shield is quartered with columns, and lions standing at the side of a precipice, while the shield on the right has a crown with two feathers.

The text is a practical recipe, difficult to read as the Latin is contracted, with what appears to be some works in Greek, but it begins "Recipe nine ounces [...Greek ?...] filosophic."

Adam McLean
Colours in both alchemy and heraldry are significant. Is there a version in colour available? I also wish the motto on the listel was legible.
No, I have not been able to find a coloured version.
Adam McLean
Eva Dunkel has kindly provided me with the emblem in colour from the Aldini manuscript.

Adam McLean
Although there are some Greek characters, the words in question do not seem to be Greek but are encoded. The 'secret' ingredients are written in this code.

Contractions: sblimati = sublimati, tatari = tartari, pparati = præparati, que= quæ; onz are ounces, gr are grams

At the end it says: fac pulverem. De quo pulvere cementa laminas Iovis finissimi quae sint in pondere onz viii...
'Make a powder. Using this powder, cement together sheets of the finest tin which are in weight 8 ounces.'

I'll have another look tomorrow.

According to the University of Brighton, wishing people a Happy Christmas upsets people. They suggest 'winter closure period' as a woke alternative. So a Happy Winter Closure Period to you all.
Here is a better quality version of the image.

Adam McLean
There is another similar emblem in the manuscript.

Adam McLean
Pavia Ms. Aldini 75 also contains a number of rather delightful drawings of alchemical apparatus.
I will post them in a separate thread so as not to diverge from the emblematic material.
Adam McLean
I just found another similar emblem in our manuscript.

Adam McLean

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