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Donum Dei manuscript
I just found some scans of Bibliotheque National Ms 7147, which contains rather fine coloured drawings of the Donum Dei series.

I took the opportunity to strip out the text around the images and put them into a sequence so that we could see the imagery as a thing in itself.


Adam McLean
This attractive French website reproduces a wide range of Donum Dei MSS from 1475 to the present day. Worth a look:
Most of these were lifted from my website, even using the same filenames. I could tell by the cropping that they had not gone back to the original manuscript scans but used my cropping. 

Of course, they add   "© Piotr & Photina,2021 par Donum Dei."

It took me years to find all of these, but only a few hours for a cut-and-paste job.
Adam McLean
I put material onto my website to share it with others, hoping to stimulate them to investigate alchemy in a serious way. Now, these images from old manuscripts are not in copyright, and I am happy for others to use them. It is rather annoying that someone is so crass as to think they can declare these images, which they have lifted from my site, as somehow belonging to them, to the extent that they felt comfortable with adding their own copyright notice.
People may, in time, raid this discussion group and make use of images and fragments of discussions. This is okay, of course, as viewing this group is open to the public, but it could be annoying if some of these people appropriating imagery and text, declared it to be their own work.
Adam McLean
Having been pirated myself, l know how you feel. I doubt if anything can be done about it. Society of Authors average earnings now down to £7000 per annum, largely due to piracy.

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