British Library MS. Sloane 1095.
Paper. Small Quarto. 90 folios. 16th Century.

Written by the same hand as MS. Sloane 1092, 1093, and others.
1. Alchymical collections and processes; partly in Latin, partly in English. ff.1-74, 82-90b.
2. 'The whole wouricke of the composicion of the stone philosophicall or greate elixir, and of the fyrste solucion of the grosse bodye.' ff.75-79.
3. An Accurtacion of the great wouricke whiche saveth halfe the tyme and laboure in the wouricke revealyd by Ripleo.' f.79.
4. 'Compendium practicale omnium scriptorum Georgii Ripleo.' f.80b.
5. Versus alchymici circiter triginta. f.81b.
Incip. 'Auratas alas mihi sol videbatur habero.'