London, Wellcome Institute MS. 4594.
17 + 11 + 12 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 32 + 14 folios. 365 x235mm. 18th Century [1791.]

Ebenezar Sibly. The Dumb made to speak, or Secret Things manifested in Hirogliphics, or the Grand Arcanum of the Adepts: with notes, observations, and experiments extracted from various Authors.
[Illustrated by watercolour copies of the symbolic plates and figures from the various works.]
1. G. von Welling. Copies of 14 symbolic plates, and one Table from his 'Opus mago-cabalisticum', 1735.
2. H. Khunrath. Six engravings from the 'Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae', 1602, pasted in.
3. J.C. Barchusen. 19 engraved sumbolic plates from 'Elementa chemiae, 1718 pasted in. [This is the 'Crowning of Nature' series.]
4. T. Norton Engraved plate of astrological scheme from the 'Ordinall of Alchimy', printed in Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 1652.
5. Altus. Mutus Liber, 1677. Complete copy pasted in.
6. Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, 1785-1788. Copies of 13 of the plates in water colour, with English translation of the titles, labels etc.
7. H. à Mynsicht. Extract, with one wtaercolour copy of a symbolic figure, from 'Aureum seculum redivivum', 1621.