London, Wellcome Institute MS. 4853, 4854.
2 volumes. 98 folios and 94 folios. 295x205mm and 330x200mm. 20th Century [1920.]

Splendor Solis. Alchemical treatises of Salomon Trismosin, adept and teacher of Paracelsus. Including allegorical pictures reproduced from the original paintings on vellum, dated 1582, in the British Museum. With introduction, elucidation of the paintings, aiding the interpretation of their occult meaning, Trismosin's autobiographical account of his travels in search of the Philosophers Stone, a summary of his alchemical process called 'The Red Lion', and [explanatory notes.] By Julius Kohn. Two typescript copies, on on large 4to. sheets mounted, and prepared for the press, with the Editor's holograph corrections and additions: the other on folio typing paper.
[This work was published by Kegan Paul in 1920.]