Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 5.
293 pages. 245x189mm. 18th Century.

1. p1-19 Lux Sine Nube or The Art of Philosophers unfolded being a True and most Faithful discovery of all the deepest and most hidden Enigmas of the Hermetic Science, where in is most clearly given a full and most inestimable Medicine, commonly known under the name of that great and Misterious Secrit The Phylosophers Stone to which is prefixt, as a most indispensably necessary Key to the whole a plaine discovery of the real Matter out of which this precious Treasure is to be extracted; so Familiarly delivred to the true Frends of suffring Sons of Eve as to be at the Reach of the meanest capacities.
p19 A Stanza on the Same.
p19-p93 Lux Sine Nube or Art of Philosophers unfolded.
2. p95-p100 Mr D'arner pro universal sont universal Comunique pour 250 Luis Faite trovi livre. [In French.]
3. p101 Manget's Bibliotheca Chemica Lib 1 Sect II Subject I [In Latin.]
4. p101-2 Darme [in French.]
5. p103-118 Grand Universal Elementum aquae Rathl: & Arne. [In English, in six numbered sections.]
6. p119-121 [Notes in French.]
7. p121-228 [Various notes in French from different books, including sections with the following titles.]
p123 Veritable Process du Prince de Lux. d. 1784: c.65.
p124 Preparation veritable d'antimoine de Mr Boelean
p129 La Phylosophie Secrett pour ma femme.
p162 La plus grande Remede pour guerrier Les Scrophule et toute malladie chronique.
p178 La maniere D'Arm pour préparer l'eau mere maire du k son Recette d'une savant arabe.
p186 2 tresque universelle donner en ecrit comme il suit par Mr Darme.
p194 D'Orbelin.
p204 Le Proceder [...] que Mons. Le Comte a communique et donner.
p216 Operation Donner par Mr Da.... a monseigneur du manipulation de la matiere universelle.
8. p231 ...l'abbe Guraffon huile ou R. d'antimoine Manniere Secrett de la Tire.
9. p237-255 Processus Chemicus. [Text in German.]
10. p236 Huile de Rose. [French.]
11. p281 L. Guaraffe sur le remede universale.... [French.]
12. p288-292 Suite des experience utiles et curieux nouveau Traites des dissolut[ion] & coagulation naturelle...
p293 [Index of contents.]