Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 12.
114 pages. 243x186mm. 17th Century.

The Book of universal wisedome of All Chymistry. Wherin the nature of man is demonstrated, his soule searched into, and of what kind it is, is shewed, his spirit manifested, and the elements of mans body are shewed, and all the diseases thereof to be cured and the life to be prolonged, are proposed, and the secrets of doing these are manifested. A work acceptable and very usefull to all, but especially to Physicians. By Peter John Faber of Castrinovidariu [Castelnaudary] Doctor of Physick in Monpiliers, and now a counselour and Physician to the King of France.
[Jean Pierre Fabre 'Operum voluminibus duobus...', Frankfurt 1656, includes in the second volume 'Sapientia universalis seu anatomia hominis et metallorum'.]