British Library MS. Sloane 1139.
Paper. Small Quarto. 172 folios. 17th Century.

Written in the peculiar hand of Jonathan Goddard, M.D., Professoris Greghamensis.
Collectanea de historia naturali, et praecipui de animalibus novi orbis. ff 1-172.
By another hand the following pieces have been previously written in the volume:-
a. De quinta essentia. Belgici. f.10.
b. 'A processe for the spiritual oyle of Succinum, don by John Hujades [Hunniades].' .f.12.
c. 'De mercurius corporum metallicorum'. ff.70-72.
d. De differentis metallorum, secundum principia. ff.75-78.
e. De extractione argenti vive ex auro. ff.109,110.