
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 22. 40 folios. 250x152mm. Late 18th Century. [Sigismund Bacstrom]
1. f6r-12v Copy of the Original Admission of Count de Chazal.
2. f14r-19r In the Name of [Tetragrammaton Elohim] the true and only God, manifest in trinity.
[Testimony of initiation of Alexander Tilloch into Bacstrom's Rosicrucian Society, signed by Bacstrom and dated London April 5, 1797.]
3. 22r-40v Aphorisms and Process. Aphorismi Operis Maximi Antiquorum Sapientium. [In English.]
[Signed and dated at end]: 'Above I have faithfully communicated our Aphorisms - Sigismund Bacstrom M.D., F.R.C., London, 5 April 1797.'
[See MS. 320 Item 5, for a few folios which seem to relate to the 'Aphorisms and Process'.]