Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 28.
98 folios (numbered as pages 1-145, 1-49). 268 x 205 mm. 18th Century.

The Book of that most generous lord, Bernard Count March Trevisan.
p1 Of the most secret Chemical Work of Philosophers, by means of elaborating nature and art.
p8 Part first of the Chemistry of Lord Bernard Trevisan. On the first Inventions of this art.
p15 Part second, in which are described the huge labours of the author and the great experiences with the singular operations from the beginning to the end, and truly with the most incontravertable success.
p83 Part third of the Book of Lord Bernard Count Trevisan in which he treats of the radexes and principles of the Metals and that by most evident reasons and authorities and Philosophical arguments.
p123-145 Fourth Book of Count March Trevisan of the practice of the Philosophers stone. [The allegory.]
p1-49 [New numbering] The third and last Part. Wherein is declared what the Metals are in their beginning and Principles, and how they ought to be considered.
[At end p.49]: 'Anno 1593'.