Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 33.
191x137mm. 2 vellum folios +113 folios + 1 vellum folio + 6 folios. 18th Century.

[There are two large and two small miniatures painted on vellum.]
[Bookplate of Stanislas de Guaita.]
[There is a woodcut pasted on the reverse of the flyleaf showing two crowned coats of arms within the space of an arch supported by classical columns. Below in the centre is a three blossomed plant(possibly a lily) with a fire breathing dragon on the left and a wolf on the right.]
Vellum folio 1v [Painting of caduceus, blue snakes and brown toad.]
Vellum folio 1r [Painting of two blue snakes around spring or fountain.]
Vellum folio 2v [Full page painting entitled 'L'Esprit cache , secret de l'or des philosophes'. An Atlas figure holds the globe of the Earth with ecliptic and zodiac on his shoulders. He stands upon a sea shore, and a banner runs from one of his hands to the other with 'Visita Interiora Terrae praeter eunda Invenies Occultum Lapidem'. (This is a variation of the Vitriol acrostic found on illustrations in Azoth of Basil Valentine 'Visita Interiora Terrae rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem'). In front of him are seven animals, and to his right 'Prudentia' with a red book and triple-faced head. On his left 'Simplicitas' and a naked infant.]
f1 La nature a decouuert.
f26 La vraye medecine vniuerselle.
f29v La pierre philosophalle
f39v Le Regles generalles touchant la matiere de la pierre.
f52 La science chimique.
f58vActions et misteres de lart.
f73 La chymie chrestienne.
f86v Chymie poetique.
Vellum folio 3r [Full page painting. Beneath seven stars labelled with the planetary symbols is a circular space within which a man lies at the bottom. Upon him as a black crow and two winged figures hover above him with lines linking them to his mouth. This illustration is found in Herbrandt Jamsthaler, Viatorium Spagyricum, Franckfurt, Lucas Jennis 1625.]