Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 47.
98 pages. 193x132mm. 16th Century.

[Book of recipes, numerical kabbalistic tables, and extracts from alchemical texts, in Italian and Latin..]
1. p1-20 [Series of recipes, the first few of which are entitled as follows.]
Olio de Balsamino Composto magistrale. Balsamo Innocentio XI.
Balsamo Simpatico.
Per far se perle Orientali, che Habbino il vero sustro Orientale.
Acqua Balsamina.
Balsamo bianco per ferite.
[and 21 others.]
2. p21-32 Testamento di Bernardo Carletti da Capranica copiato dall'originale. [Various recipes.]
3. p33-42 Secreto Mirabilissimo.
4. p43 Nota carmina. [Verse in Latin.]
5. p44-45 Declaratio supradictorum Carminum.
6. p47-58 Cabala, seu Kabala.
[p48 has pyramidical table of numbers.]
7. p59-75 Lapidis philosophorum dilucidatio, sive lumen indeficiens, fugans mansionum teneas Universas ex Philosopho Santivogio, et quam Plurimis.
8. p76-80 Aurea Clavis Aristei philosophi ad filium. [Latin verse.]
[The Latin verse closely resembles that given in Alexandre Limojon Toussaint de, Lettre d'un philosophe ... ecrite au sujet des instructions qu'Aristee a laissees a son fils... Paris, 1668.]
9. p81-83 Liber tranmissus Alexandro Regi. Qui abstractus est de maiori Opere, quod peribuit Hermogenes, qui dixit. Deus sapientum. [In Latin.]
[At end]: 'Libro mandato ad Rege Alessandro...'
10. p85-87 [Tables of numbers. The page is divided into six sections, each of which conain a table of numbers in 9 columns.]
p88-98 [Pages lined into 6 sections but no numerical tables have been inserted.]