Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 68.
ii + 77 + iii folios. 184x144mm. 18th Century.

[Christian Knorr Von Rosenroth]
1. f1-52 Aesch Mezareph: sive Ignis Purificans.
[Note added in later hand]: 'collected out of the Kabbalah Denudata, abridged beginning at page 1'
[On inside front cover at top]: 'in 1710 I first heard of this treatise' [and] '23 Augst 1712'.
[Very similar to Westcott's edition 'AEsch Mezareph or purifying fire', London, 1894, but this manuscript breaks off partway through the last chapter.]
2. f53-69 [Quotations out of Kabbalah Denudata.]
[Notes in Latin with page references to Knorr von Rosenroth's 'Kabbala Denudata seu doctrina Hebraeorum...', Sulzbaci, Francofurti, 1677-84.]
f70-75 [Blank.]
3. f76 [Table at end as index to references to Cabbalistic Chemistry and the Philosophers' Stone in the Kabbalah Denudata.]
f77 [Table of Cabbalistic Tree of Life.]
4. [3 folios inserted 'Collections out of Kunkel', notes in English.]