Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 91.
117 folios. 192x140mm. 17th Century.

1. f1-2 Collectanea ex Nortonii Angli Originali istius qui scripsit Anno 1477. Regni Edw. 4 an. 17. [English and Latin.]
2. f4-8 Iohannis von Letzen Doctoris. Tractat von dem steine der Philosophen.
3. f10-16v Lapidis Philosophici Theoria Philippi a Ravillasco Piemontani Magi et Philosophi sui Temporis incomparabilis. [In English.]
4. f16v-18r Practica Philippa à Ravillasco Piemontani. [In Latin.]
5. f19-27v This is taken out of the second chapter out of the bouk intitulated the whole compound of Alchymie of Elixir of Philosophers.
[English with some sections at end in Latin.]
6. f27v-35 The Mystery of Alchymy compiled by George Riply chanon Regular of Bridlington. [English verse.]
7. f36 [Recipe in Latin.]
8. f37-52 Medulla Alchymiae Georgii Riplaei Angli. [Latin.]
9. f53-65 Philorcium Alchymistarum Georgii Riplaei Angli. [Latin.]
10. f66v [Diagram of Ripley's Wheel. Some text in Latin, and some in English.]
11. f66-70 Pupilla Philosophiae Georgii Riplei Angli. [Latin.]
12. f71-73 Accipe terram de terra et fratrem terrae quae non aliud est qua aqua, et terra est ignis de terra praetiosissima... [Latin.]
13. f74-87r Concordantia Raymundi Lullii & Guidonis Philosophi Graeci per Georgium Riplaeum Anglum. [Latin.]
14. f87v-89 Cantilena G. Riplei. [Latin.]
15. f90-92 Visio Georgii Riplaei Canonici de Bridlington. [Latin.]
[With 4 pen drawings of furnaces.]
16. f93-106 Clavis Aureae Portae Georgii Riplaei Angli. [Latin.]
17. f107-108r Argumenta contra Alchymiae veritatem pugnantia.
18. f108v-113r Etsi quidem haec missa nec Riplaeum nec alium certum. [Latin.]
19. f113r-115 The Work of Dickinson. [English verse.]
'When Phoebus with his Rayes bright
Through the Rayne takes his flight
His heate is then for norishinge
To the earth and every other thing
That Sapp and roote doth then revive
By Phoebus heat attractive
20. f116 A Preparation for Mushrooms [English.]
21. f117 [Verse in English and German.]