Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 94.
190 folios (of which 54 are blank). 201x145mm. 17th Century.

[Alchemical and astrological notebook of A. Mereau.]
[On f1]: 'Cepressant livre apartieu a moi Jacques Choulteis Cavaillier au Regiment Royalle Roussillon Compagnie De Lorenceute en garnisson a Saumur en anjoux fait a Berrus le Deux fevriev l'ane De grace 1791 Choulteis'.
[Text has some sections in code, the key to which has been pasted onto the inside front and end rear covers of the MS. There are two pen portraits of Mereau, and numerous drawings of alchemical apparatus, furnaces, etc. There is a section devoted to astrology which has a number of horoscope charts. A section at the end has a number of symbolic alchemical drawings in black and red ink.]
[On cover there are some words in code followed by] : 'Elvoh a servez a la gloire de Dieu et au salut de [ ] ame A.M.'