Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 96.
183 folios. 206x145mm. 17th Century.

Rosengarten der Philosophen, [d.i.] zwei[ter] theil der Alchimie, von der warhafftigen weise, Den philosophischen Steyn zu bereitenn, Jnhaltende den rechten vorganck derselbigen kunst, mit schönen figuren (welche auch die vollckhomenheit diser sachen gruntlich aufweise) vertzeret.
[Text originally included 21 woodcuts, taken from a copy of the Latin edition of the Rosarium Philosophorum 1550, partly coloured pale yellow and pasted in. The last two plates have been lost though the original space they were pasted in is still visible.]
[Inscribed on title page]: 'Bartholomaeus Thomas A° 1622.'