
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 102. 170 folios. 150x108mm. 16th Century. 1. f1-3v Notes from 'The Olde Booke' on Alchemy.
2. f4-52 The XII gates of George Ripley abreviated.
3. f52v-55 [Notes on 'Opera Solis', 'Opera Venus', and 'Out of Norton' on alchemy.]
f56-66r Out of Raimondes Epistle of accurtationis.
4. f66v-99v Medulla Alchimie.
5. f100-133 Certain abstractes out of diverse places of Raimunde.
6. f134v-135v [Notes on Green Lion and 'The composition of the Basilyske of perles'.]
7. f136-159v 'Certen acurtacions' being notes on alchemical processes.
f151 [Drawing of furnace.]
8. f160-165v The Concordance between Raymund and Guydo, by George Ripley.
f166-168 [Blank.]
9. f169 -170 [Notes on alchemy.]
[At head of f1 in different hand from the rest of the MS.]: 'Sum Liber Joh: Cooper [...] 1602 for William Bolles possessor'.
[Phillips Ms. 4336.]