Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 108.
86 pages. 197x155mm. 18th and 19th Centuries.

1. p1-60 Babel, or the Assemblie. A Poem Written originalie in the Irish tongue, and translated into Scotch, for the benefit of the Leidges. By I.P a well-wisher to the cause.... MDCXCII
[Note by Ferguson on inside cover]: 'Babel was printed in 1830 by G.H. Kinloch for the Maitland Club. I suppose this is the original MS.'
2. p1-22 The following Epistle on the plan of the Epistolae obscurorum virorum has a good deal of humour And was occasioned by the noted Story of the Witches of Calder... [Text in Latin.]
[Dated at end]: '1723'.]
[This section is in different hand and paper, and pasted into the end of the volume].
[Two folios at end]: Poema Pitcarnii M.D. [Latin].