Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 133.
91 folios. 195x150mm. 17th Century.

fiiv [List of Contents (incomplete).]
1. f1 [A series of short pieces including 'The worke of B', 'The Great elixer', 'Ablutio aqua', and two untitled pieces.]
2. f13 The Philosophers heaven.
3. f15 Here begyneth a very good worke of the philosophers stone.
4. f24 Here followeth secrets and true sayings of philosophers.
5. f29 A work of the philosophers stone. [Allegorical text.]
6. f33 [Short notes from various alchemical authorities.]
7. f38 [Section in the form of question and answer, possibly entitled 'Elixer Vini'.]
8. f43 Here followeth the practis of the ryall flower.
9. f45v Philorcin of George Riplye of the possibilyte of this science.
10. f46v Of the errores of certayne practisers in this arte.
11. f57v [Alchemical verse.]
12. f58 [Rough pen drawing of woman with peacock feather headdress between sun and moon rising out of a corpse lying on the ground. A line below reads 'This is a perfect figure of the art', while a line above, possibly added later reads, 'A Fool 1730'. A text commenting upon this image follows on f58-59.]
13. f59 [46 eight line stanzas of allegorical alchemical verse.]
14. f66 Raymond Lulle in his theoricke. [87 seven line stanzas.]
15. f77 Abtracts. [Unidentified alchemical text.]
16. f79 Nowe here followeth the merrore of philosophi or alkemy, thereof speaketh of 4 wordes as hereafter followeth.
17. f87v [ ] G Ripeley in pupillam alchemiae.
[On f1]: 'This is the book that came from Mr Sandeys of Linfarde 1606 June the 23rd.'
[At end]: 'Thus endeth this book beinge written by Thomas Robson and ended the 23 daye of June in the year of our Lord 1606.'