Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 149.
96 pages. 154x99mm. 17th Century.

[On spine]: 'Divinum Opus Solis.'
p1-96 [Text in German with 21 water-colour drawings, 20 of which are from the 'Rosarium Philosophorum' series, except that here the action, apart from in the initial four drawings, takes place in flasks. Figure 11 is an addition to this series.]
fig 1 [Female figure holding caduceus, and uniting Mercury, Moon and Sun.]
fig 2 [Sun headed figure with caduceus.]
fig 3 [Double headed eagle in flask.]
fig 4 [Triple fountain of Sun, Moon and Mercury.]
fig 5 [Coitus of king and queen. All figures , except 10, from here on are in flasks.]
fig 6 [King and queen lying at bottom of flask.]
fig 7 Animae extractio vel Impraegnatio. [Winged figure ascends leaving the King and Queen at the bottom of flask.]
fig 8 [Rain descending on the king and queen at bottom of flask.]
fig 9 Animae Jubilatio. [Return of the winged figure.]
fig 10 Tinctura Alba. [White queen holds snake, and cup with three snakes.]
fig 11 De leone Rubeo et Aquila Alba. [A crowned figure half red lion and half white eagle in flask.]
fig 12 Fermentatio. [Second Coitus.]
fig 13 Illuminatio. [Sun in flask.]
fig 14 Nutrimentum.
fig 15 Fixation Tinctura. [Winged figure ascends to top of flask leaving the male and female figures at the bottom of the flask.]
fig 16 Multiplicatio.[Rain falls from clouds on the two figures.]
fig 17 Revivificatio. [Return of the winged soul figure.]
fig 18 Perfectionis ostensio. [King or Prince holds cup with three snakes in his right hand and a single snake in his left. Red lion and double headed eagle stand below.]
fig 19 Noster Mercurius est Leo viridis solem devorans.
fig 20 Coronatio Artis Tria Unum. [Figure at bottom of flask is crowned by figure emerging from a cloud.]
fig 21 Triumphus Artis. [Resurrection of King. Caduceus in flask.]
[Many of the figures have the short German verse found in the 1550 printed version of the 'Rosarium Philosophorum'.]
[Note in French attached to folio 2v]: 'Ce Manuscrit contiens l'oeuvre Philosophique a Decouvert, et a esté donné pour recompense a tout homme qui a veu faire l'oeuvre chez luy, chez le quel logoit le Philosophe alemande, ce manuscrit en [est] Impayable a quelquen de sage et de Discres.'