
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 163. 9 folios + 158 pages + (20 pages bound in reverse). 176x137mm. 17th Century. 1. p1 The copie of a Letter sent me by the late Madame Martin Viel which was found after her death.
2. p35 The Work of Neptis communicated to Quercitanus.
3. p57 Quercitan's daughters letter.
4. p92 To turn [Sun - Gold] into [Mercury].
[At end p94 ]: 'This I tooke out of Mr Wilmots Manuscript the refiner.'
5. p97 Alexander van Suchtens work of the secrets of [...] translated out of high Dutch by Dr Child.
6. p110 A Dark and Misticall worke betwixt the master and his Servant.
7. p114 Ovidius to make good Ceruse.
8. p116 The Questions and demands of the Archbishop of Reanes. With the Answers of Guilliam De Cenes.
[At end p135]: 'This art or most secret science was accomplished done and ended at Reanes a myle beside Paris the Fryday being in the yeare of our Lord God 1216. And had thus in communication with ye said Reverend Father the Bishop of Reynes by the said Mr William Cenes.'
9. p136 The Gentlewomans Work in York.
10. p138 The Secrets of Alkemy is this.
[The sections at the beginning and end bound in reverse have notes on alchemical substances and processes.]
[With index on the penultimate folio.]