Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 176.
27 folios. 223x155mm. 18th Century.

1. p1-2 Art I Regule d'antimoine Etiolé.
[At end f2]: 'Ce article en extrait de la Chimie Experimentale ex raisonne de premiere edition 1774'.
2. p3-4 Art II Regule d'antimonie.
[On f3]: 'Du Jacque Tol dans la brochur du Ciel chimique imprime a Amsterdam en 7bre 1680.'
3. p5-18 Art III Regule martial Etoilé de Philalethes.
4. p19-35 Art IIII Regule auraire de pentaleon.
[7 folios of notes pasted in at end of notebook.]
[Bookplate of F.G. Irwin 'No.30'.]
[MSS. Ferguson 175-178 are in the same hand and bindings.]