
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 205. ii + 86 + ii folios, on vellum. 221x152mm. 16th Century. 1. f1-33v The Theoricke parte of the extraction of the Quintessence of Raymonde Lullii, otherwise called the Mirror of Light of Roger Bacon.
2. f33v-54v Incipit secundus liber de generalibus remediis.
3. f54v Here endeth the secund boke the whiche is callid the general remedies agens diverse infirmities. And here bigynneth the third boke of the werkes of alkymye with his chapitres all here foloweng.
f71r Explicit semita secundum Albertum in Alkamia.
[Compare with MS. Sloane 353.]
4. f71v Hic incipit opus bonefactii 14 cum sequentibus capitulis albis et rubiis.
5. f75v-86 [Various recipes in English beginning 'For to purge Jubiter'.]
[Ornamental initial letters to paragraphs in blue and red. Text in fine legible hand.]
[At end f86]: 'finis 15 [...]'
[On f 86, 'Dekyngstone whose Booke of fower score leaves and fyve and a halfe this is'. This is likely to be Edmund Dickinson see MSS. Sloane 1842, 2170, 3630, 3758, 3762, MS. Ashmole 1452 and manuscript in Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica.]