
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 218. 13 folios. 311x195mm. 18th Century. Petit traite sur les jours philosophiques.
[Note added on f1 in different hand]: 'very beautiful French manuscript on the 'Secret of Secrets Tree of Knowledge' V.V.'
f6v Suplement de Grosparmy, Vicot et Valoir.
[In margin]: 'La pratique Ecrite est le miroir de la verite grosparmy'.
[Notes from book with references to page numbers. A number of references to 'Raimond' i.e. Raimon Lull.]
f7 ['Lullist' drawing of heptagon inside circle with letters and various alchemical correspondences.]
[Two other small pen drawings in the margins of the text.]
[There are two folios in a different hand and a paper added at the end entitled]: 'Extraits des autres du Pere Lanin Jesuite Espagnole.'
[Bookplate of F.G. Irwin 'No. 19.' Same binding as MSS. Ferguson 211, 214, 223 and 227.]