Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 253.
viii + 57 + ii folios. 241x175mm. 17th Century.

[Coronatio Naturae.]
Emblemata seu hieroglyphica chymica enigmatica.
[Bound with modern vellum binding, 1969.]
[67 pen and watercolour drawings of 'Crowning of Nature' series, with English text accompanying the first two drawings, and an introduction. Drawings 1-40 are on single leaves and have titles; drawings 41-67 occur two to a page, except for the last, and have no titles.]
[A note on the verso of the title page refers to an advertisement for a manuscript with this title in the Morning Herald of 24 the of November 1797, priced £200: by cf. MS. Ferguson 245. Further notes on the same page identify handwriting of Ann Denby and of Alexander Tilloch [1759-1825], inventor of stereotyping.]
[Bookplate of William Richard Winch.]
[f5 'This Ms was purchased by Dr A. Tilloch and the following Ms. additions are in his own writing.']