
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson Fragments. 9 items in various formats. 17th, 18th and 19th Century. Item 1. 1 folio. 165x40mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Notes on alchemy in narrow column. The name ' Paracelso' is mentioned.]
Item 2. 3 folios. 200x133mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Notes on Alchemy.]
Item 3. 26 folios. 203x144mm. 18th Century. In Latin with one section in Italian.
f1-5 [Excerpts in Latin from 'Theatrum Chemicum' Vol 5 pages 567 to 794 or manuscript.]
f7-17 [Notes from various tracts in Latin on alchemy including a copy of the 'Tabula Smaragdina'.]
f19-24 Adnotationes excerptes ex Dialogo Demogorgonis et Geberi.
f25-26 [Verse in Italian on Alchemy.]
Item 4. 56 folios (20 blank). 192x135mm. 19th Century. In French.
f1-56 [Notes in the collection of Dr E. Schubert, from various works of Paracelsus including '10me Livre des archidoxes de paracelse', 'De Generatione'.]
Item 5. 1 folio. 202x135mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[List of titles of sections of a book or manuscript, under 6 ' Divisiones'.]
Item 6. 28 folios. 199x156mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
[Unidentified work, which contains a number of lists of herbs, minerals, aromatic gums, etc.]
[Begins]: 'Canon in quo continentur scientia ad extrahendum quintam essentiam...'
Item 7. 1 folio. 260x183mm. 18th or 19th Century. In German.
[This appears to be a copy of a text, presented in the form of a letter, on Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, dated at end 29 Sept 1553.]
Item 8. 4 folios. 208x162mm. 18th Century. In English.
[Extracts apparently from from Gabriel Plattes 'A Discovery of Subterranean Treasure...', London, 1639.]
Item 9. 8 folios. 247x189mm and 190x123mm. 19th Century. In French.
[Notes on Geomancy, with some tables and diagrams.]