
Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.2.15. 99 folios. Paper. 225x178mm. 16th and 17th Centuries. f1 1. Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy in verse, headed 'Nortons Booke proemium Holl. 1355.'
f50 2. Some paragraphs in French 'Dieu en l'essence est eslue de deux elements... Extracta de veteri MSto Gallico par Mr Palmerin'.
f51v 3. Ex Ep. Aristotelis ad Alexandrum magnum.
f53v 4. Title of the Confessio Henri Khunrath, Magdeburg 1596.
f56v 5. The experimentall sciense.
Here followeth the first part of the great worke namely the experiment science of Roger Bacon written to Clemens ye Pope. [unfinished].
f71 6. Confessio H. Khunrath.
f76 7. Pupilla oculi. First understand that the noble Philosopher Avicenna.
f79 8. The Basilik of Pearles.
f81 9. An alchemical Poem in English, badly written and apparently incomplete at each end.
f98 10. Two leaves of cabalistic matter in Latin headed 'Homo toto corde tota anima omnibus viribus etc'.