Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.1.
Paper. Various sizes, mostly about 216x152mm. 15th and 16th Centuries.

I. [A notebook of about 100 folios.]
Notae Roberti Fludd. [The contents are chiefly alchemical, and are in Latin, French and English.]
II. [Late 15th Cent.]
f1 Inc. prologus in libro qui vocatur Rosarium philosophorum.
Laus sit deo patri qui dat sapientiam.
f1v Hic inc. quidam tractatus ex libris antiquorum philosophorm collectus.
[Ends imperfectly on f42v.]
f44 III. [16th Cent. 1531].
An alchemical poem in French, with marginal analysis by a later hand in Latin.
f66v Parabolla.
f92 [Receipt with astrological signs].
f92v [Notes from Aristotle].
Balade philozophique le coeur malade fait qui sy ficque.
f95 IV. Simon Forman's Dream in six-line stanzas.
When phebus wyth hys golden carte.
V. [20 folios 16th Cent.] A tract headed 'De Solutione Corporum'. Tota Chymia verstaur in solutione et Coagulatione.
VI. [26 folios. 16th Cent.] Verse in four-line stanzas.
Of seven degrees to heaven which may be called seaven heavens in earthe
I wolde I were in heaven.