British Library MS. Sloane 1787.
Paper. Octavo. 120 folios. 17th Century.

1. 'Schlustrede meiner vorigen Tractaten vom [ ] und Magneten Philosophorum et vulgari Basilii Valentini Fratris S. Benedicti ordinis.' ff.1b.-15.
2. 'Clavis oder glossa harmonica Raphaelis Eglini Iconii S.S. Theologiae D. uber die schlustrede Fratris Basilii Valentini.' ff.16-18.
3. 'Offenbarung Fr. Basilii valentini seiner verborgenen handtgriff, wie er das hohe geheimness seinen steindes reicthumbs und der gesundheit aussgegangenen lichtleins die XII schlüsselund anderen Tractaten mehr gemacht hat.' ff.19-38.
4. Processus varii chymici. ff.38b-48.
5. 'Erklarung uber die 12 schlussel fratris Basilii Valentini was scin meinung seü.' ff.49-60.
6. Processus quidam Chymici Germanice. ff.61-64.
7. Medical and other receipts, in French. ff.64b-67.
8. Chymical processes. ff.67b-69.
9. Processus quidam chymici, Latine et Germanice. ff.70-77.
10. The Marrow of Alchymy by Sir George Ripley. ff.78-106.
11. The preface to the marrow of Alchemy, in verse. ff.107-108.
12. Alchymical notes thus entitled, 'remembered out of the cursorie reading of a book of Norton's from the hand of D. Deane, 1624.' In Latin. f.109.
13. 'Accepta haec refero Tomano, qui accepit ipse ab Olao. Worm. Med. Dano. 1613.' f.110.
14. The Mystery of Alchymy by George Ripley. ff.111-117.
15. Processus quidam chymici. ff.118-120.