
Cambridge, University Library MS. Ff. iv.13. 356 folios. Paper. Small Folio. 16th Century (1528-29). [This and the preceding volume were written by Robert Green of Welbe.]
1. f1-5v 'Epistola Johannis Dastini de Lapide Philosophorum ad dominum Stapultonum Cardinalem.'
2. f5v-21v 'Liber Haly filii Yazith de secretis Philosophorum in opere Alkimico.' [in 20 chapters.]
3. f21v-106v 'Liber decem sententiarum Alkaurani, vel Capitulorum decem, sive liber qui dicitur lumen luminum.'
4. f106v-131v 'Liber secretorum Hermetis.'
5. f131v-190 'Paradigma metaphoricum Johannis Mohen de Lapide Philosophico.' [Similar to that printed in Theatrum Chemicum, Vol. iv. p941.
6. f191-273v 'Platonis Libri Tres.' [These are books II-IV of 'Platonis Quartorum cum Commento...', printed in Theatrum Chemicum Vol IV. p.101.
7. f273v-294 'Lilium inter spinas.'
8. f295-303 'Planta Arborem.'
9. f303v-308v 'Lumen Intelligencie.'
10. f308v-317 'Secreta Secretorum' of Geber.
11. f317v [Short extract without any reference.]
12. f318-325 'Flores secretorum Rasis.'
13. f325v-331 'Senior Mireri de lapide Philosophorum.'
14. f331-341v 'Opus Johannis Tecten.'
15. f341v-342 'Versus Rosarii Phebi.'
16. f343. [Elegiac poem on the Phoenix.]