Cambridge, University Library MS. Kk. vi. 30. 141 folios. Paper. Small 4to. 15th and 16th Centuries. 1. f1-35 [Various tracts, written continuously, generally without titles. In English. To some parts the names Johannes Frynge and Rector de Wymenton Canonicus are attached. Begins: 'In sekyng oute of the sothenes of this craft that men callen Alkemye'. There are many rude drawings of furnaces and retorts interspersed.]
2. f36-42v [Incomplete fragments of the Turba Philosophorum, the Notibilia Philosophorum, and the 7 termes, Alphabet, etc, of Alchemy, in English.]
3. f42v-46 [A fragment of George Ripley's Compendium of Alchemy.]
4. f47-50 [Medical receipts and Astrological notes of nativities in the years 1483-1504.]
5. f51-62 [Medical and Alchemical tracts, the first being 'A Compendyos Abstract of Alkamy, drawyn out of Latyn'. The name Ramundus, de Lapide, appears on f60.
6. f63 'Scienta ad extrahendum 5tam essentiam de Antimonio, i.e. Marcisita Plumbea.'
7. f63v-69 'Magisterium Lucis Johannis de Rupescissa.'
8. f71-86 'Principia Practicalia.'
9. f87-103 'Breve Breviarium', R[ogeri] B[acon].
10. f103v-109 [Various alchemical tracts, among which are Secretum secretorum, Pretium impretiabile, etc.]
11. f111-117 Speculativa Arnoldi de Villa Nova.
12. f118-125 Practica Magistri Arnoldi de Villa Nova.