
Alnwick Castle MS. 588. 206 pages. Paper. 18th Century. [Note by Rainsford on fly leaf 'I copied this Book from an old MSS written upon parchment. The bookseller asked 5 guineas for the original but lent it me for a few days to copy, upon my giving him half a guinea. The name of Dr Dee was upon one of the leaves. The Book was from after my returning it taken away by the owner as not to be sold. It is a very exact copy.']
1. p1-38 Ars Artium.
[Orations and conjurations in English].
2. p38-105 'The following was copied out of a little Book by Sir Richard Napier March 1673'.
3. Hic incipit Ars Artium quae primum scripta fuit Regem Solomonicum.
[text in English].
4. p106-134 Le Livre des Esprits lequel fuit manifeste au sage Salomon.
[Spirits of the Goetia. Text in French].
At end 'Finis laudat Opus Aesel in Principio Sancta Maria mei'.
5. p134-179 Sci apres ensuit La Livre des Conjuration.
At end : 'Haec finis tractae Scientiae divinae Salomonis'.
6. p180-189. To constrain Spirits to appear.
[Drawing of two magic circles].
[Conjuration in English but with long list of angel names].
p190 [Table of contents of volume. At end 'this was finished Feb 2: 1756.']
7. p192-206 Anecdotes of Dr Richard Napier from Mr Aubreys Miscelleanies.
at end ; 'This is written 10 Mar 1787'.