
Alnwick Castle MS. 592. 1. Paper. 18th Century. 1. f1-257 La Filosophia Naturale di Molti Celebri et Antichissimi Filosofi tanto Antichi come Moderni E Libro D'Oro Dove Si Conttiene li Nomi de medesimi Autori, et ancora li lovo gran Secreti dell'Elexir di natura e molti grandi Arcani et Operazioni da farsi secondo s' uso della Filosofia Naturale etc. C.B.A. da C.B. 1721.
2. f258-307 Ruota di Salomone Perpetua, per sapere d'ogni Giorno in che Segno si ritrova la Luna fino che dura il Mondo.
[Diagram in red and black inks of three concentric circles divided into 12 segments associated with the 12 signs, with other correpondences]..
[A series of short pieces on planetary and zodiacal correspondences, hours of day and night, talismans, perfumes of the planets, series of inverted pyramids of numbers, on Candles, etc. With some line drawings].
3. f308- Li Pentacoli di Salomone. Dove si contengono li loro Modi di farli, e de poterli oprare nelle loro forme, e materie di vegetabili sangui et Animali, secondo le loro constellazioni, e sue rarissimi Virtu etc. A.M.S.
f309 Primo Pentaculo.
[The first pentacle is shown on a folio tipped in between f320-321. It is a very fine illustration in red and black inks entitled 'Il Sigillum Salomonis seu Pentaculum. It shows a central pattern of interlacing lines, surrounded by four concentric circles divided into 8 segments. Centred on the outer circle are eight small sattelite cirlces each bearing a pentagram and an Archangel name. There are various Names of God, and magical sigils, and eight varieties of weapons.
f324 Secondo pentacolo.
[The second pentacle is on f333, and has heptangle within heptagon within circle, and hexagram at centre. Various Angelic name are shown.
f339 Terzo pentacolo.
[Third pentacle on f348 is similar to the second but has hetagon within heptagram].
f355 Quarto Pentacolo.
[Fourth pentacle on f361. Hexagram with two concentric circles. Various hebrew letters and sigils].
[There are ten pentacles in all. The latter six are less elaborate consisting of complex sigil form within a single circle with some text around the circumference in Latin].
[Text in Italian].