Alnwick Castle MS. 618.
197 folios. Paper. 18th Century.

1. p1-96 Butlers Stone. This famous medicine which Van Helmont speaks so much of... Butlers Stone By the mercurial Menstruum from Calomel, with the Anomalous Menstruum, the Alkalisated Menstruum and Metalick Earth.
2. f97-181 The following is translated from a German MSS from the collection of Mr Godfrey Haneowits. Mr Boyles Operation the Microcosm.
3. f182-191 Cameleon sudans. Com. B Schk. from Stercore & Apr: 1715. [In Latin. Copied 20 June 1792.]
4. f191-197 A work of Philalethes.