
St. Andrews University Library MS. 38190 [Read]. 262 pages. Paper. 234x367mm. 18th Century. Philosophorum Praeclara Monita.
[Alchemical manuscript in French and Latin by an anonymous author. Written in France 1701-1712. It contains 48 allegorical illustrations.]
p6 fig 1 [Black circle with small point of light radiating from centre, 'nigra sum sed foumosa'.]
p6 fig 2 [Crowning of Nature - Separatio stage.]
p11 fig 3 [Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - Mercury meets Saturn.]
p25 fig 4 [Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - Dragons on hill.]
p37 fig 5 [Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - People in Garden.]
p49 fig 6 [Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - Massacre of Innocents.]
p58 fig 7 [Crowning of Nature - Green lion in circle with flames.]
p61 fig 8 [Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - Two serpents around rod.]
p63 fig 9 [Figure of circular cosmos ? in concentric layers of red, yellow gold white, black, etc., with multicoloured flames emerging from outer circumference. ]
p65 fig 10 [In front on a mountain labeled with symbol of Saturn from which emerges a stream splitting into seven rivulets, Mercury stands in blue tunic and holding his caduceus. He brings together a Golden King figure and a Silver Queen each standing on small sun and moon discs. They reach out and hold hands. They stand on a small leafy area on the bank of a blue lake. In the foreground are two trees - that on the left (King's side bears golden apples) while that on the right (Queen's side bears silver apples).]
p68 fig 11 [On the green bank of a blue sea or lake a composite hermaphrodite figure (left side dark grey and female, right side black and male) with small moon disc over the genitals) is standing on a shell like form (left side silver, right side gold) set upon a fire. From two clouds above its head, two hands are seen. That on the left pours a gold liquid from a green flask, while that on the right drops a white powder or fume on the other side of the hermaphrodite. High above in the sky a golden sun beams down its rays from the left, and a silver moon beams its silver rays from the right side.]
p71 fig 13 [Crowning of Nature (fig 2) - Tree on mountainside with seven pointed star above.]
p73 fig 14 [Livre desFigures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - Snake crucified.]
p78 fig 15 [Crowning of Nature - Separatio.]
p80 fig 16 [Crowning of Nature (fig 15) - Bird flies up from red seven pointed star above gray layer.]
p82 fig 17 [Crowning of Nature (fig 8) - Green Lion enters flask.]
p83 fig 18 [Crowning of Nature (fig 11) - Bird flies up from grey layer, white star with sun and moon inside.]
p85 fig 19 [Crowning of Nature (fig 26?) - Bird flies up from grey layer with drops falling of different colours.]
p86 fig 20 [Crowning of Nature (fig 18) - Black toad breathes out four elements.]
p87 fig 21 [Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques of Flamel - Snakes and streams on mountains.]
p91 fig 22 [Crowning of Nature (fig 14) - Bird descends on red star in layer of grey with planetary symbols.]
p93 fig 23 [Crowning of Nature (fig 10)- Bird descends on white crust within which is a grey star and sun and moon.]
p95 fig 24 [Crowning of Nature (fig 37)- Pelican with circles of elements above.]
p95 fig 25 [Crowning of Nature (fig 38)- Bird inside circle of elements with flask flaming above.]
p97 fig 26 [A wide necked flask is set upon a slice of grassy land. Above a dove hovers and two flasks of red liquid are pouring into the large flask, within which we see lower down, severed arms and legs, a mound of earth and a spade. Beside the flask stand five figures labeled ('soluimus', 'putrefacimus', 'sublimamus', 'Dividimus', 'componimus'). At its base is a red winged dragon on a shield.]
f100 fig 27 [Seven planetary 'seals' associated with Angels.]
f111 f28 [On a slice of grassy land a horse lies on its back, its hoofs emitting flames of red fire. On its belly is placed a stylized flask with Sun and Moon and a Crown within which a red dragon seizes its own tail . Above this dragon fly four white birds.]
p116 f29 [Crowning of Nature (fig 20) - Bird flies up from layer of grey substance over which is set flames of yellow. Drops descend.]
p116 fig 30 [Crowning of Nature (fig 25) - Bird descends to layers of blue flames, yellow water, greenish brown air, grey earth.]
p117 fig 31 [Crowning of Nature (fig 22?) - Bird ascends from two layers of blue waves upon grey, drops descend.]
p117 fig 32 [Crowning of Nature (fig 19)- Bird descends upon layers of yellow fire, blue air, then greenish brown waves, grey.]
p123. fig 33 [Hermaphrodite stands upon a small hill between two trees of sun and moon, below this is a red two headed dragon. Hermaphrodite is crowned and holds Sun-moon disc in male left side, small red dragon in female right hand.]
p153 Fig 34 [Crowning of Nature (fig 29?)- Bird descend on black layer with seven pointed star and sun moon within.]
p166 fig 35 [Crowning of Nature (fig 13 or 30) - Bird descends upon black layer.]
p171 fig 36 [All wise doorkeeper Musaeum Hermeticum , 1678 Fig I (part).]
p173-181 fig 37-45 [Musaeum Hermeticum fig III (2) - (10).]
p183 fig 48 [Crowning of Nature (fig 3) - [Moon disc with fire inside from which arise two streams of fumes.]
p184 fig 49 [Crowning of Nature (fig 35) - Bird flies upwards.Two layers below - yellow waves above flames in grey layer. Two layers in upper part of flask greenish brown clouds above which is blue (earth?).]
p185 fig 50 [Adam with golden sun disc on genitals lies on the ground asleep, from his side Eve with silver moon on genitals rises up to behold God in the clouds above who gestures down to her. There is a tree on the left, a pond at Adam's feet, and another tree on the right with the serpent entwined around its trunk.]
p244 fig 51 [Seventh Key of Basil Valentine.]
p3 Philosophorum praeclara monita, quorum primus est Regis Salominis, apud Riplaeum philosophum, in quo sic est.
p13 Pour supplere à ceque ie adjevant brusle, par une peur panyque cauée par mes enuieux.