British Library MS. Sloane 1842.
Paper. Quarto. 117 folios. 17th Century.

1. Excerpts from alchemical books. f1.
2. 'Terra terrae philosophicae G.R. [Georgii Riplaei]. f2-4.
3. Index to the following treatise. f5.
4. 'Things written by G. Ripley; found in the ende of the Marrowe [Medulla Philosophiae Chemicae]' f7b-10.
5. Extract from the Poem of Pearce the Black Monk, upon the Elixir: with an explanation. f11-13.
6. 'The conclusion of Mr Thomas Hend for the same thing'. f13v-15.
7. Alchemical verse. f16. [Printed in Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum, p431.]
8. Verses containing a receipt for making the Philosophers Stone. f17. [See Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. p362.]
9. Alchemical verses. f18-20.
Begins 'I have a daughter that highte saturne.
Of my daughter withpout any dread'.
10. Alchemical Verses by Sir George Ripley. f20v. [See Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p.393.]
11. 'Mundus philosophus et Niger nigrius nigro'. f22v.
12 'Cantilena Georgii Rypley, de Lapide Philosophorum seu de Phoenice'. f24-27.
Printed in his Works Cassel 1649, p76.
13. Alchemical receipts. f28-31.
14. 'Verbum Abbreviatum Rogeri Bachonis' per fratrem Raymundum Galfredum breviter expositum. f32-36.
15. A few alchemical receipts collected from various authors. f36v.
16. 'The great worke, or the great Elixir ad solem et ad Lunam by G. Riplaye'. f37-42.
17. Accurtations or shortenings of the Great Work, revealed by G. Ripley. f43-46.
18. 'A letter sent by G. Ryp. [George Ripley], Channon of Brydlington to a freind of his'. Dated 1460 vel 1476. f46v-49.
19. 'The easyest waye in practisinge of the Philosophers stone.' f50-53.
20. Alchemical receipts. f53v-56.
21. 'The prologue of George Rypley cannon of Bridlingtowne unto his treatise which is entitled Philorsium of the Alchimistes' f57-61.
22. 'The practice called Philorcium'. f61-77.
23. 'Medulla Varchadumia' in English. f78-98.
ends: 'Here endeth the treatise named the marrow of Alkimie, compyled by George Rypley: anno Domini 1476, the 16th year of Edward the 4th. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Mr John Higgins Vicar of Winchester'.
24. 'The concordances of the sayings of Guido and Raymonde, donne by George Rypley'. f99-101.
In this translation a portion of the original is omitted.
25. Alchemical receipts. f102v-112.
26. 'The work of Dickinson' f112v-114.
Begins: 'When Phoebus with his rayes brighte'.
27. Exerpta e libris scriptorum alchemicorum. f115.