
Manchester, John Rylands Library MS. Latin 82. 152 folios. Paper. 198x150mm. 17th Century. [Collection of various alchemical treatises and extracts in Latin and German.]
[Dedication on fly-leaf to 'I.D.' John Dee?]
1. Activa Potentia Passiva [Collection of extracts some in Latin, some in English verse from Norton and Ripley, others from Raymund Lully. Illustrated with diagrams some in colour.]
2. [A series of the large folding plates from Khunrath's 'Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae', 1602, are included on f17, 29, 40, 45, 52, and 68.]
3. f76 Tractatus De Cognoscendo Limo Terrae ex quo Deus hominem formavit et composuit [in German.]
4. f80 Herren Johann Thunstain Proces: So der Engeländer Chilian unf Johan De: ausz desz Thunstain Begrabnis, sambt der Tinctur bekommen, hernachmals nach seinem tode, Ihrer Kay: Mayt: zuhanden worden.
5. f82 Mercurium Vitae Theoph: Wider allerley Kranckheite, Vom Herren Doct: Sebastian Seyfridt zu Olmuntz zu Praeparieren.
6. f84 Proces Sigmundi Adolphi.
7. f85-88 [Various alchemical recipes in German.]