British Library MS. Sloane 2036.
Paper. Quarto. 92 folios. 17 Century.

1. 'The practice of philosophers - thus chapter followinge declareth the word of Avicen in the chapter next before where he saith, 'first let the spirit's soule be shut from the body, then after that purge it by fire from the sum of the body afterward cast away their sinnes'. f2-4.
2. 'The compendiary of the noble science of alchemy compiled by Mr. William Blomefield philosopher and bachelor of physicke admitted by King Henry the 8th of most famous memory, anno Domini 1557'. f5-13. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p.305.]
3. 'The best ferment of Raymond'. f13.
4. 'To know the principall coloures of the stone'. f13v.
5. Metrical treatise on the science of Alchemy, entitled 'Pater Sapientiae'. f14-19. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p194.]
6. 'Here after followeth the opening of the Secret of Secrets done by art of Philosophy.' f20.
7. Alchemical treatise in verse, entitled, 'The Secrets of Nature'. f22-25.
Ashmole p380, printed under the title 'The Mystery of Alchemy, composed by Geo. Ripley Chanon of Bridlington'. p.380.
8. How to make the philosopher's stone. f25.
Begins: 'I say to you plainly our medicine is a stone, and it is one thing in kind and not of divers things'.
9. Alchemical verses. f26
Begins: 'With hic et haec thus may ye do'. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p432.]
10. Alchemical verse. f26.
Begins: 'I am Mercury the mightiest flos florum'.
11. Alchemical verses. f27.
Begins : 'I shew you here a short conclusion'. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p352.]
12. Alchemical verses. f28.
Begins: 'Why art thou so poore man and I am so rich'. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p355.]
13. The 3rd, 6th and 7th Chapter of Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchymy. f30-36. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p39.]
14. 'The names of the philosopher's stone colelcted and gathered by William Garataroke'. f37. [Printed in 'Five Treatise of the Philosopher's Stone' edited by H.P. London, 1651, p65.]
15. 'The secret of secrets and stone of Philosophers'. f37v [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p68.]
16. 'How the quinte essence is drawne out of minerall things'. f39.
17. 'Here beginneth the secret of Demetrius upon the body, spirit and soule'. f41.
18. 'Here beginneth the documents of Mireris of the secrets of nature'. f43.
19. 'Aqua vitae minerall for all diseases of imperfect bodies'. f45-48.
Begins: 'Brethren ye that seeke the science of Alchemy, seeke no more but onely that perfect philosophers have sought'.
20. 'A declaration of the Philosopher's Stone by Avicenn to his sonn.' f49.
[See Theatrum Chemicum IV p986.]
21. 'The Practise of Philosophers by Rasis'. f51.
22. 'The booke of John Sawtre a Monke' - concerning the Philosophers Stone. f53-63. [Printed in 'Five treatises...' p.17.]
23. Here followeth the 3rd parte of this my booke wherein I shall speake of the principals and rooles of Mettals, and to prove the same I will shew divers and sundry philosophicall evident reasons - by me Doctor Alemont'. [i.e. Bernard of Trevisan]. f64-67.
24. 'Here followeth the 4th parte of this my booke, wherein I will speake of the practice of this noble science, and set the same art in a parable or figure'. f68-70.
25. 'Here followeth the booke entitled the Marie [Marrow] of Alkamy, compiled by George Ripley, channon, 1476. f71-75. [Printed in his collected works Cassel 1649. p123.]
26. Alchemical receipts. f76-83
27. [sic] 28 Alchemical verses [Imperfect] f86. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p.344.]
29. Letter communicating alchymical secrets. f87-89.
Begins: 'Right well-beloved and trusty child and friend I shall informe [you] of this gratious and blessed secret the which is hid of old men'.
30. 'The making of artificial stones'. f90-91.