British Library MS. Sloane 2170.
Paper. Folio. 95 folios. 17th Century.

1. Excerpts from the works of Raymond Lully. f1-7.
2. 'A noble practice of Chacha Viride, vel vitrioll Romany and of others, by Sir Hugh Platt'. f8-17.
3. 'An extraction owt of the booke of Semita Recta of Albertus Magnus, as an experiment of Roger Bacon'. f18-30.
4. Miscellaneous alchemical collections. f31-37.
5. 'Codicella George Ripley wherein is contayned the whole worke of the compocission of the stone philosophical or greate elixir'. f38-46.
6. 'Certayn noates and chapters taken fowrthe of the booke [of Spencers] that Aristotle sent to Alexander. f47-53.
7. 'Certaine notes taken owt by me fowrth of the XII gates of G. Ripley'. f54-55.
8. Alchemical rhymes by 'Merlyn the prophite' f55v.
Begins : 'Deare is this arte, rare, shorte, and very light
One thinge it craves which every man knowes well'.
9. Treatise upon Alchemy, in the form of a letter. f58-59.
The following note is affixed as a title to the MS.
'This copie herafter I tooke fowrthe of a very olde litle booke of Mr Blagbornes. But who was the fyrste author thereof I know not. But (as I suppose) it was dedicate to Kinge Henrie the eight.'
Begins:'Insomuch (most redowted suffrene), as ther hath bene dyverse persones and yet be (as I heresaye) which have promysed unto your moste excellent majestie to enforse themselves to worke in the excellent worke of Alkymye'.
11. 'This is a noble extraction drawen owt by me and gathered forthe of George Rypley, Arnolde and other bookes for my better and perfect remembrance. E. Deckyngton'. f66-88.
12. Treatise on Alchemy written partly in English and partly in Latin.
Begins: 'There are 7 terms or braunches that bryng furth dyvers levis and 3 maner of fruytts in the which is founde the neste of the birde of Hermes'.