
Manly Palmer Hall [P.R.S.] MS. 217. 21 folios. 206 x 162mm. 18th Century. [This is included in the Bacstrom Collection MS. 102, Vol. 10.]
Chemical Moon-Shine: Wherein is Demonstrated The True Subject of Philosophy, Where we are to look for it, & how it is to be prepared. By a lover of Truth. Translated from the German, by S. Bacstrom M. D. 1797.
Note: 'Chemical Moon-Shine... Franckfurt and Leipzig. 1719. 8vo.'
[First printed as Chymischer Monden-Schein, worrinen nicht allein angezeiget wird, das wahre Subjectum Philosophiae... 1719. The author is supposed to have been Christian Friedrich von Steinbergen, thought to be identical with Christian Friedrich Sendimir von Siebenstern, who in turn is thought to have written the work of de Sabor.]