
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 30. 348 folios. Paper. 217x146mm. 16th Century [1528.] [Alchemical Miscellany, possibly written by Niclaus of Sweden.]
1. [Fifteen alchemical procedures, in German.]
2. Pseudo-Peter Kertzenmacher. Alchimie und Bergwerck [in German.]
3. [List of alchemical substances, in German and Latin.]
4. [Alchemy in German.]
5. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie [in German.]
6. [Alchemical and metallurgical procedures, in German and Latin.]
7. Ramon Lull. [Extracts from Experimenta and Testamentum novissimum, in German. Possibly translated by Jobst Trutw˙n.]
8. [51 alchemical and metallurgical recipes, in German.]