
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 45. 238 folios. Paper. 162x95mm. 17th Century [c. 1610.] [Unidentified alchemical work in German.]
[Illustrated with 12 large pen drawings.
f45v A human faced Luna crest, dark at the inside, transits a circle formed by 5 alternately light and dark rings.
f46r Geometric symbolism. A circle of five rings alternately light and dark.
f50r 'Philosophisch Balneum' distillation apparatus.
f50v A multilevel furnace.
f51r A cylindrical furnace.
f74v-75r A distillation process moves from water bath in recatangular block furnace to a pear-shaped colling receptacle, then on to a barrel, and a final receptacle at ground level.
f75v A circle of six alternately white and black bordering rings is transited by a human faced Luna crest, between whose tips is an orb topped by a pointed cross.
f97r A word and circle chart on four levels. 'Taffel Lvnae Taffel Veneris'.
f109r Tailpiece of a fashioned pelican.
f228r God's Spiritual Hierarchy in Creation, a folding chart for eleven double ringed basic circles.
f229r Geometric and astrological symbolism.
f230r 'Der Philosophen Himel', depicted primarly with inscribed legends on internal bands, eleven of them concentric.