
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 70. 83 folios. Paper. 274x212mm. 17th Century [1692.] Musaeum hermeticum reformatum [compiled by Georg Hellmerich?]
1. Basilius Valentinus. Porta sophica, sive duodecim claves [in Latin.]
2. Marcellus Palingenius. [Alchemical invocation in Latin verse.]
3. George Ripley. Liber duodecim portarum [the prologue only, in Latin.]
4. Hermes. Tabula smaragdina [in Latin.]
5. Basilius Valentinus. Practica cum duodecim clavibus [in Latin.]
6. Lambsprinck. De lapide philosophico libellus [in Latin.]
7. [Michael Maier and others. Emblematical alchemical paintings without text.]
8. Riginio Danielli. Canzone [in Italian.]
[Most of the coloured illustrations in this manuscript are drawn from the 1678 edition of Musaeum Hermeticum.]