
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 97. 183 folios. Paper. 210x165mm. 18th Century [c. 1740.] [Alchemical miscellany, in German, French, and Latin.]
1. [Alchemical catechism on minerals, in German.]
2. Michael Pezel. Ein sonderbar Werck ex Theophrasto Redivivo [and other works in German.]
3. [Alchemical verses in German.]
4. [2 recipes in German.]
5. Alexander Seton. [Letter to his brother Daniel on the philosopher's stone, in German.]
6. Bernhardt Gangolff. [Letters and recipes, in German.]
7. [An antimony process in German.]
8. Ramon Lull. Clavicula [abbreviated in German and Latin.]
9. Ramon Lull. Annotationes [in German and Latin.]
10. Ramon Lull. Handgriff [in German.]
11. [Alchemical and medical procedures and recipes, in German.]
12. Alexander Seton. Processus, or letter on the phiilosopher's stone [in German.]
13. [Alchemical and medicinal recipes, proverbs, and a riddle in verse [in German.]
14. Paracelsus. Dialogus discipuli et magistri de electo immaturo [in German and Latin.]
15. [Various. A riddle in verse; alchemical, medicinal, and household recipes, in German.]
16. [Recipes and notes on property management, silkworms, inks, etc., in French and German.]
17. Jacob Labfort [Description of an artesian well and its equipment, in German.]
18. [Description of a porcelain oven at Erfurt, in German.]